Sharon Gourlay

Sharon Gourlay in the Rhina Valley

Founder of Germany Footsteps

Expertise Germany Travel, Travel Planning, Travel Booking

Education Bachelor of Arts from Griffith University, Certificate III in International Travel Sales from AFTA Education and Training, Graduate Diploma of Education from Monash University


  • Featured in many publications including USA Today, Qantas, Families Magazine Australia, Daily Mail and more
  • Speaker at numerous travel blogging conferences including Travel Blog Exchange (Tbex), Travel Blogging Summit and Travel Massive and is well known in the travel blogging community
  • Holds a BA, teaching and travel agent qualifications


Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit which may have been more about beer halls and biking than the Old Town and German culture that she enjoys more today.

She has traveled to 98 countries and spent many years of her life exploring the globe. This has lead to many skills from quickly working out the best way to travel from A to B to finding the best hotel. These days she primarily travels with her 3 children currently aged from 7 – 13 years old so she also has many family travel kid wrangling skills!

She has learned a lot about German culture and language from her experiences traveling in Germany, her humanities degree and from enrolling her kids in a German primary school in Australia. She’s had a lot of fun preparing schultรผtes for the first day of school to learning all about the many German dishes, holidays and cultural practices. Her kids make sure she puts the fun ones into practice too like leaving out shoes for Saint Nicholas!

When not writing for this site, Sharon is out exploring the world and everything German.


Sharon’s educational background enables her to share and teach you how to plan your own trip to Germany as easily as possible. Her travel qualification enables her to work as a qualified travel agent and has helped her to learn many tips and tricks for booking travel. Her teaching qualification helps her explain it all to you here.

Her humanities degree has helped her love of everything history and culture and thus, her appreciation of Germany.

You can read more about Sharon and her family here.

Sharon’s Most Recent Guides To Germany