We have talked about topics such as what Americans think when they visit Germany, what the differences are between America and Germany and some other related topics. But what we haven’t discussed is things Americans do that Germans find weird!
In this article, we’re going to explore some of the everyday behaviors and customs that Americans often take for granted, but which can seem quite strange to Germans. From dining habits to driving, there are several notable differences that might surprise you.
Having spent time in both the United States and Germany, I’ve encountered a variety of quirks that illuminate how each culture approaches daily life in its own unique way. Some of these practices that Americans see as perfectly normal might raise a few eyebrows in Germany. Conversely, there are German customs that Americans might find equally puzzling.

Cultural differences are fascinating because they highlight the diverse ways humans around the world solve the same basic problems and navigate social interactions. By understanding these differences, we can better appreciate not just the world around us but also the nuances of our own daily rituals.
So, let’s uncover some of the everyday American habits that Germans find particularly peculiar.
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In the video below, you’ll find out 5 things that German, Feli, finds weird in the US. It offers some fascinating insights.
I am Australian, and I must admit that I find some of this weird too. Walk people!! 😀
5 Things Americans Do That Germans Find WEIRD! by Feli From Germany
If you’ve spent much time in Germany and the US, you can probably guess a couple of them.
Here’s a hint.
I hope you enjoyed this video. I always find it fascinating the differences between cultures and what people find weird about other places.
Want to learn more about German culture? Find our guide to what Americans find weird in Germany here and what Americans think when tasting German food here. Or find out about German weddings here. You can also find all our guides to German culture here.