One of the awesome things about traveling to a new place is all the things you both expect and don’t expect to see.
While it’s great to see the big sites – like Brandenburg Gate and Cologne Cathedral – I find often the most interesting parts about traveling to a new country are the things I didn’t expect to see.
So what might you expect to see for the first time in Germany?
Love Germany? Click here to download your free guide to 25 Incredible Things You Must Do In Germany In Your Lifetime. You won’t want to miss them!

While there may be many things that you haven’t seen before, some may seem extra weird or unusual.
In the video below, Rachel, from the UK, shares 7 things she had never seen before she went to Germany. It’s both interesting and amusing 🙂
So was there anything in this video that you didn’t expect?
I must admit that I also thought I had broken the window the first time I tried to open a Kippfenster. Now, I wish I had them in my house!
I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new.
Want to learn more about German culture? Find our guide to why you should be careful about asking a German “how are you” here and the exact etiqutte of visiting a German sauna here. You can also find all our guides to German culture here or read about culture shock you may experience in Germany here.