Want to learn German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn directions and how to ask where something is.
This is a little more complicated than some of our lessons so far as there are many answers you could get. Directions to a place can be complicated!
But if you at least understand your first steps, you’ll be on your way to where you need to go.
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I have two videos for you to learn from in this lesson.
The first well help you learn the absolute basics of directions with the second helping you understand them in more contexts.
Start by watching the video below to learn these basics. Below the video, you’ll find a list of the vocabulary used so you can write it down and practise.
You can do this!
Vocabulary taught in this lesson:
- Rechts – right, on the right
- Links – left, on the left
- Nicht – not
- Wir suchen die Goethe-Schule. Kennen Sie die? – We are looking for the Goethe School. Do you know it?
- Das ist das Gebäude da. – It’s that building there
Time to practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂
Then try this video and learn more. It’s more complicated, but also gives you more examples of how you may actually use this vocabularly in Germany. See how you go!
How did you go? I recommend you watch these videos a few times until you start understanding them.
Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and the next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here.