Want to get started with learning German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn these greetings!
Greetings in German are something that you will find super easy to use on your trip. From greeting someone in passing to walking into your next hotel, you can definitely use a German greeting easily. It shows you care when you are in Germany, even if you learn nothing else.
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They are also quite easy to learn with some similarities to English.
Watch the video below to learn the important German greetings (including goodbyes). Below the video, you’ll find a list of the vocabulary used so you can write it down and practise!
You can do this!
Vocabulary taught in this lesson:
- Hallo – Hi, hello
- Guten Morgen – Good morning
- Guten Tag – Good day
- Guten Abend – Good afternoon
- Auf Wiedersehen – Goodbye (formal)
- Tschüss – Bye
Time to practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂
Want to learn more German? Find the next lesson here or read 10 fun facts about German here. You can also find all our lessons here.