Don’t Tell Germans, But These Things They Do Are Pretty Weird…

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Ever wondered what makes Germans tick? This article sheds light on the quirks and customs that might seem quite weird to outsiders.

From their almost fanatical punctuality to their impressive, almost obsessive love for bread, Germans have a way of doing things that can leave the rest of us scratching our heads. They revere their Sundays like a sacred holiday, have a thing for airing out their homes even in the dead of winter, and hold a beloved crime drama in such high regard you’d think it was a national event.

Join me as we journey through these fascinating habits that make up daily life in Germany. Some of these peculiar behaviors might just surprise you, and who knows? You might even find yourself wanting to adopt a few of these “weird” German traits!

Things Germans Do That Are A Little… Weird

The German obsession with punctuality is legendary, and it’s not just a stereotype. In Germany, time is a precious commodity, and they treat it with the kind of reverence usually reserved for sacred relics.

Imagine, showing up late to a meeting and being met with horrified gasps as if you’ve just committed an unspeakable atrocity.

Your tardiness is met with furrowed brows and tut-tutting that make you question if you somehow disrupted the very fabric of society. This level of precision is both admirable and downright puzzling to outsiders who think showing up “fashionably late” is socially acceptable.

Bread in Germany is not just food—it’s a way of life. With over 3,000 varieties to choose from, Germans take their bread both seriously and creatively. They could probably discuss the nuances of crust-to-crumb ratios with the same intensity as a connoisseur dissecting fine wine.

Enter the special bread-cutting knives, precision instruments worthy of a renaissance master, which are necessary to properly honor each slice.

For the uninitiated, it might seem like bread has an unnaturally elevated status here, but for Germans, this is standard fare. Their bread devotion is a fascinating—and delicious—glimpse into culinary culture.

You can read more about German bread here.

In Germany, Sundays are sacrosanct, a day of rest where even the suggestion of doing chores might get you socially ostracized. The cultural reverence for this day is so profound that doing something as innocent as mowing the lawn or hanging laundry could result in scandalized whispers and judgmental glares from the neighbors.

It’s as if the entire country collectively decides to hit the pause button and bask in a serene inactivity. The silence is almost reverential, giving the impression that breaking it with the hum of a lawnmower could summon an ancient, disapproving spirit.

For Germans, Sunday evenings mean one thing: “Tatort.”

This weekly crime drama is not just a TV show; it’s a shared national experience that rivals major holidays in its importance.

At 8:15pm sharp, living rooms up and down the country are transformed into makeshift viewing theaters as everyone tunes in, like clockwork. It’s the murder mystery equivalent of a national anthem.

Discussions about last night’s plot twists are as ubiquitous on Monday mornings as coffee and croissants.

Missing an episode? That’s almost unthinkable. Cancel your plans, because it’s not just a show—it’s tradition.

The German practice of “Lüften” is rooted in a belief that fresh air is the cure for whatever ails you. This dedication goes so far that even in the frostiest months, windows are flung wide open, inviting a brisk chill indoor that would make even polar bears reconsider their life choices.

To outsiders, this leaves them shivering and questioning the sanity behind this open-window initiative, but to Germans, it’s all about maintaining that perfect, fresh indoor environment. They’re part-time HVAC systems, part-time fresh-air fanatics, entirely committed to air quality above all else.

Underneath their often serious exteriors, Germans possess a surprising fondness for naturism. In fact, many love stripping down to their birthday suits and enjoying a day at a nude beach or a clothing-optional sauna.

It’s a liberating tradition that’s woven into the cultural fabric. For Germans, this is a form of freedom, relaxation, and an escape from the social conventions of everyday life.

While the rest of the world may find this penchant for naked leisure activities a bit shocking, for Germans, it’s just a natural part of their balanced lifestyle.

Read more about Free Body Culture in Germany here.

The autobahn is the autobahn—a mystical realm for speed enthusiasts where few limits apply. For Germans, it’s a staircase to automotive heaven, a place where they can legally indulge their need for speed.

Imagine a no-holds-barred race track where family sedans and sports cars zoom past each other, all pushing the envelope of earthly velocity without fear of speed limits.

Drivers from around the world flock here for the exhilarating freedom, while Germans prove daily that responsible driving and high velocity aren’t mutually exclusive. This love for speed embodies the spirit of precision engineering and adventure.

Read more about German Autobahns here.

If there’s one thing Germans love more than efficiency, it’s paperwork. Even the most mundane tasks are a bureaucratic treasure hunt, requiring an impressive array of forms, signatures, and official stamps.

It’s as if every aspect of life needs to be meticulously documented in triplicate.

To an outsider trying to navigate this labyrinth, it’s bewildering—a Kafkaesque experience where each completed form just leads to another.

But for Germans, this methodical approach to administration is second nature, a structured way to bring order and clarity to the chaos of everyday existence.

In the end, the peculiarities of German behaviors—from their strict punctuality to their cherished Sunday quietude—offer a captivating glimpse into a culture rich with tradition and exactness. These quirks, although seemingly odd to outsiders, highlight the unique blend of values that underpins German society.

Learn more about culture shock you might experience in Germany here, German stereotypes here as well as reasons to never go to Germany here (perfect if you want a good laugh). You can also find all our guides to German culture here or find our 12 signs you have stayed n Germany too long here.

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By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit. She loves the long history, the picturesque Old Towns, the castles, the food, everything really! Since then, she has visited many times and loves writing about Germany here so you can enjoy it too. In fact, Sharon loves German culture so much that she sent her kids to a German primary school in Australia. She especially loves Berlin and towns with charming Old Towns like Celle and Quedlinburg. Sharon also has a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and understands the nitty gritty of travel planning. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to Germany whether it's your first or tenth time!

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