Most Beautiful, Amazing And Incredible National Parks In Germany That You Have To Visit!

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Reviewed by Sharon Gourlay. Read our review guidelines
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In this article, we’re diving into the heart of Germany’s natural splendors to explore the top ten national parks scattered across the country. Each park offers a unique gateway to Germany’s diverse landscapes, from the mystical Black Forest to the serene Baltic Sea shores, illustrating the nation’s commitment to preserving its natural beauty and heritage.

Compiling this list wasn’t a walk in the park—pun intended. We considered a variety of factors, including the parks’ ecological importance, natural diversity, recreational opportunities, and their ability to inspire awe among visitors. This involved sifting through countless reviews, studying conservation efforts, and, whenever possible, stepping into these parks ourselves to experience their wonders firsthand.

Our goal was simple: to highlight the places that not only protect the environment but also offer us a chance to reconnect with nature in its most majestic forms.

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Germany’s national parks are more than just pretty places; they are custodians of the country’s biodiversity, history, and cultural narratives. They serve as sanctuaries for countless species and habitats, playing a crucial role in conservation efforts and environmental education.

At the same time, they provide a space for us to reflect, unwind, and rediscover the simple joy of being in nature. Whether you’re an avid hiker, a wildlife enthusiast, or just looking for a tranquil escape, these parks are testimonies to nature’s resilience and beauty.

Let’s explore the top 10 best national parks in Germany!

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Best National Parks In Germany

1. Berchtesgaden National Park

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Obersee in Berchtesgaden National Park

Tucked away in the southeastern corner of Germany, Berchtesgaden National Park stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty of the Bavarian Alps. The park is a sanctuary for those who seek to immerse themselves in nature’s unspoiled grandeur, from the crystal-clear waters of the Königssee, often called Germany’s most beautiful alpine lake, to the imposing silhouette of the Watzmann mountain.

Berchtesgaden’s rugged terrain is not just a hiker’s paradise; it’s a refuge for rare animals like the golden eagle and alpine ibex, offering visitors a glimpse into Europe’s wild heart. Its ecological diversity, combined with its cultural significance — the park encompasses centuries-old traditions of alpine farming — makes Berchtesgaden a deserving candidate for Germany’s top national parks.

Whether you’re exploring the serene beauty of the Obersee lake and its hidden waterfalls or tracing the paths of historical salt mines, Berchtesgaden National Park invites you to a world where nature and history intertwine in fascinating ways.

2. Saxon Switzerland National Park

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Bastei Bridge in Saxon Switzerland National Park

Despite its name, Saxon Switzerland National Park lies wholly within Germany’s borders, near Dresden, and its landscape is a dramatic departure from the country’s northern plains. This park is celebrated for its breathtaking rock formations, carved from sandstone millions of years ago.

Towering pinnacles, deep valleys, and the majestic Elbe River flowing through the canyon make the scenery surreal, as though lifted from a fantasy novel. Climbers and trekkers worldwide are drawn to this unique terrain, navigating routes that range from beginner-friendly to expert challenges.

The park’s iconic Bastei Bridge, perched high above the river, offers panoramic views that epitomize the park’s rugged beauty.

Beyond recreation, Saxon Switzerland is a haven for biodiversity, supporting a complex ecosystem within its ancient forests. This expanse of natural beauty, seemingly sculpted by artistic forces, earns its place on this list by offering outdoor enthusiasts a blend of adventure, history, and conservation.

3. Jasmund National Park

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Cliffs of Jasmund National Park

Jasmund National Park, located on the island of Rügen, is relatively small in size but immense in its natural beauty and geological significance. The park’s chalk cliffs, especially the towering Königsstuhl, rise dramatically from the Baltic Sea, creating a landscape that inspired artists like Caspar David Friedrich.

Beneath the canopy of its ancient beech forests, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies a remarkably diverse ecosystem, supporting an array of bird species and rare orchids. The juxtaposition of pristine white cliffs against the deep blues of the sea is a sight of stark natural beauty, making Jasmund National Park a jewel of the Baltic coast.

It’s a place where the power of the natural world is on vibrant display, from the crashing of waves against the cliffs to the tranquil paths winding through the forest, inviting exploration and reflection.

4. Eifel National Park

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Eifel National Park

Eifel National Park is a landscape forged by volcanic activity, dotted with maars (volcanic lakes) and presenting a rolling expanse of woodland and water. Its wilderness provides sanctuary to creatures as elusive as the European wildcat and as majestic as the black stork.

Beyond its biodiversity, Eifel’s significance lies in its commitment to rewilding and conservation efforts, aiming to restore nature’s balance by allowing the land to evolve with minimal human interference.

With over 240 kilometers of trails, including barrier-free options ensuring accessibility for all, Eifel National Park embodies the spirit of outdoor recreation and environmental stewardship. Its mosaic of habitats fosters a deep connection between visitors and the natural world, making it a paragon of natural beauty and conservation success.

5. Hainich National Park

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Hainich National Park

Hainich National Park is an emblem of environmental recovery and preservation, showcasing one of Europe’s largest contiguous areas of deciduous forest. Its canopy walk, a treetop path that meanders through the forest crown, provides a unique vantage point to appreciate the biodiversity and complexity of this ancient woodland.

Home to wildcats and an array of bird species, the park is a testament to the resilience of nature and the importance of conservation efforts. The lush, green expanse of Hainich offers visitors not just hiking and wildlife watching opportunities but also the chance to reconnect with the natural world in a profound and impactful way.

6. Bavarian Forest National Park

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Bavarian Forest National Park

The Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany’s oldest national park, is a bastion of wilderness in the heart of Europe. It epitomizes the untamed beauty of the continent’s dense woodland landscapes, covering vast expanses of spruce and beech forests, peat bogs, and crystal-clear streams.

The park is home to the lynx, which was successfully reintroduced, symbolizing the potential for conservation to revive native wildlife populations. Its “Let Nature Be Nature” philosophy allows ecosystems to develop without human intervention, offering a unique insight into natural processes.

With facilities like the tree-top walk in Neuschönau, providing panoramic views of the forest and beyond into the Alps, the Bavarian Forest National Park is a nexus of ecological diversity, conservation, and educational value, celebrating the raw, enigmatic beauty of nature.

7. Harz National Park

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Harz Mountains

Harz National Park is a realm of mystic beauty and folklore, with dense forests, rushing streams, and the Brocken — the highest peak in northern Germany, shrouded in legends of witches and spirits.

The park’s diverse landscapes host a variety of habitats and a rich tapestry of biodiversity. Its extensive network of hiking trails, including the Harzer-Hexen-Stieg, offers immersive experiences in nature, from serene walks through ancient woodlands to challenging ascents.

Harz is not just a natural oasis but a cultural treasure, reflecting centuries of mining history alongside its natural wonders.

The interplay between human history and natural beauty, enveloped in myth and legend, makes Harz National Park a captivating destination for those seeking adventure, history, and a touch of the mystical.

8. Black Forest National Park

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Black Forest

The Black Forest National Park encapsulates the enchanting wilderness of one of Germany’s most famous regions. It is a land of dark, dense forests, serene lakes, and gentle, mist-covered hills that have inspired countless tales and traditional cuckoo clocks.

The park signifies the profound beauty of the Black Forest area, offering a protected habitat for native flora and fauna and a place for people to experience the restorative power of nature. Trails weave through scenic landscapes, leading to breathtaking viewpoints and hidden corners of tranquility.

This park stands as a testament to the allure of the Black Forest, a place where nature’s magic is preserved and cherished, and visitors can find solace in the whispering pines and the timeless traditions that define this iconic region.

9. Müritz National Park

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Priesterbäker See in the Müritz National Park

Situated in the sprawling Mecklenburg Lake District, Müritz National Park boasts an extensive network of lakes, with Lake Müritz taking center stage as the largest lake entirely within Germany.

The park is a paradise for water enthusiasts and bird watchers, offering untouched landscapes that serve as critical habitats for a diverse array of bird species, including the white-tailed eagle. The intertwining of crystal-clear waters and lush woodlands creates a haven of tranquility and scenic beauty.

Canoeing through calm waters, hiking along serene trails, and observing nature’s wonders make Müritz National Park a vital sanctuary for both wildlife and human spirits, celebrating the intrinsic connection between water, land, and life.

10. Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park

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Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park

Covering the German sector of the Wadden Sea, the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park is part of one of the largest tidal flats systems worldwide, characterized by its rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems.

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it stands as a crucial area for the breeding and migration of millions of birds, offering unparalleled opportunities for bird watching and nature studies. The dynamic landscape of mudflats, salt marshes, sandbanks, and islands is in constant flux, dictated by the tidal rhythms, providing a starkly beautiful and unforgiving environment that fascinates visitors.

Exploring this park, whether by mudflat walking or observing the seal colonies, offers a profound understanding of the fragile interdependence within these ecosystems, highlighting the importance of conservation and the value of unspoiled natural habitats.

As we conclude our journey through the top ten national parks in Germany, it’s clear that each park offers a unique lens through which we can appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world. These parks not only serve as a refuge for biodiversity but also as a reminder of the importance of conservation and the role each of us plays in preserving our planet for future generations.

Embarking on adventures through Germany’s national parks allows us to reconnect with nature, challenge our limits, and find tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Whether you’re drawn to the mystical allure of ancient forests, the serene beauty of alpine lakes, or the untamed wilderness of rugged mountains, these parks are a testament to nature’s enduring splendor and the endless possibilities for exploration and discovery they offer.

Looking for more wonderful places to visit in Germany? Find our guide to the most beautiful places in Germany here and the best hidden gems in Germany here. You can also find all our guides to planning a trip to Germany here.

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Elsa Meyer

By Elsa Meyer

Elsa was born in Germany before moving to the US as a kid. She spent many summers exploring Germany and hanging out with her grandparents before moving back to Germany for university. Elsa has a degree in German history and language. She enjoys sharing her love of her native country with others who want to explore it too! She particularly loves exploring the Rhine Valley and the Black Forest.


  1. Do you have any objections if I use some of your places and thoughts about Germany in a lecture about some aspect German-speaking culture for the Deutsches Haus Kulturabend next year?
    I would give you credit during the talk and include your website on a slide. You have given me some ideas to a lecture(s) either in 2025 or 2026.

    The Deutsches Haus, a voluntee run cultural non-profit, is located in New Orleans, LA and is 95 years old. Our Kulturabend program are held monthly except for Oktober when we have Oktoberfest, our biggest event of the year.

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