Want to learn German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn what to say when you arrive at your hotel.
If you are traveling in Germany, you will no douobt have to check in to hotels multiple times, so why not learn how to do it in German? While you can get by in English, it’s much more fun to try to speak the local language.
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Even if you can learn just a few lines, it’ll make the process of checking in easier for you.
Watch the video below to learn what to say when you arrive at your hotel. Below the video, you’ll find a list of the main vocabulary used so you can write it down and practise.
You can do this!
Main vocabulary taught in this lesson:
- Kann ich Ihnen helfen? – Can I help you?
- Ja. Ich möchte gerne ein Zimmer – Yes. I would like a room
- Haben Sie eine Reservierung? – Do you have a reservation?
- Ich habe eine Reservierung für drei Nächte gemacht – I made a reservation for three nights
- Ihr Name, bitte? – Your name, please?
- Sie bleiben bis Montag, richtig? – You are staying until Monday, right?
- Wann ist das Frühstück? – When is breakfast?
- Frühstück gibt es von acht bis elf Uhr – Breakfast is served from eight to eleven o’clock
- Hier ist Ihr Schlüssel – Here is your key
- Wo ist mein Zimmer? – Where is my room?
- Sie haben Zimmer vierzehn, am Ende des Korridors – You have room 14, down the hall
Note that there is more vocabulary taught in this video lesson, but these are the main statements that will be the most useful to you.
Time to practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂
Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and the next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here.