Want to learn German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn these foods!
Since you are sure to need to eat in Germany, these words will help you enjoy your time more. It will make going to the grocery store so much easier as well as decoding menus.
They are not hard to learn. Some are even quite similar to English.
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Watch the video below to learn common foods in German. Below the video, you’ll find a list of the vocabulary used so you can write it down and practise.
You can do this!
Vocabulary taught in this lesson:
- Das Lebensmittel – Grocery/Food items
- Der Käse/Die Käse – The cheese
- Das Wasser – The water
- Das Brot/Die Brote – The bread
- Die Milch – The milk
- Die Butter – The butter
- Der Apfel/Die Äpfel – The apple
- Die Banane/Die Bananen – The banana
- Das/Der Sandwich/Die Sandwichs – The sandwich
- Das/Die Cola/Die Colas – The cola
- Die Pizza/Die Pizzas or Die Pizzen – The pizza
- Der Kuchen/Die Kuchen – The cake
- Das Eis – The ice cream.
- Das/Der Joghurt/Die Joghurts – The yoghurt
- Die Karotte/Die Karotten – The carrot
- Der Salat/Die Salate – The salad
- Die Pommes – The chips/fries
- Die Wurst/Die Würste – The sausages
- Der Reis – The rice
- Der Saft/Die Säfte – The juice
- Der Kaffee/Die Kaffees – The coffee
- Der Tee/Die Tees – The tea
- Die Kartoffel/Die Kartoffeln – The potato
- Das Ei/Die Eier – The egg
- Die Tomate/Die Tomaten – The tomato
Note that the second item is how to say the plural form when this differs. If there is nothing listed second then there is no plural form. For pizza, there are two plural forms you can choose from.
For sandwich, yoghurt and cola, you have a choice of two articles you can use.
In German, nouns are always capitalized, so you need to capitalize all these foods if you write them down.
If you need a refresher on articles in German, go back to this lesson here.
Time to practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂
Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and the next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here.