Lesson 25: Learn How To Do A Lot With German Verbs 😆

Published Categorized as German Language
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Want to learn German? It’s time to get more interesting in our German lessons as we learn many more verbs in this lesson.

We have already covered to have here and to be here. This lesson we are covering 50 more verbs!

Verbs are obviously very important words to learn. And if you can learn these 50 everyday verbs, you’ll suddenly have so many things you can say and understand in German.

This will really help you jump forward your language learning. Sound good? Let’s start!

This is the biggest lesson we have done so far. But, of course, the bigger the lesson, the more you’ll know. Which can only be a good thing!

Watch the video below to learn these 50 verbs. You’ll soon know how to say things from getting up to going out and then eating.

You can do this!

There is a lot to practise in this lesson. I recommend you make flash cards and practise repeatedly until you have it down pat. Watch the video multiple times too.

Now practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂

Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and the next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here.

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Elsa Meyer

By Elsa Meyer

Elsa was born in Germany before moving to the US as a kid. She spent many summers exploring Germany and hanging out with her grandparents before moving back to Germany for university. Elsa has a degree in German history and language. She enjoys sharing her love of her native country with others who want to explore it too! She particularly loves exploring the Rhine Valley and the Black Forest.

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