Want to learn German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn how to pronounce the letters!
While the German alphabet looks nearly the same as the English one, it is pronounced differently. It is pivotal to understand how to pronounce each of the letters so that when you are learning new vocabulary, you can pronounce it correctly.
It also helps with so many things when you are in Germany. For example, being able to say a new food item you’d like to try from a menu.
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The goods news is that these letters are not hard to learn and once you have learned them, pronouncing German will get a lot easier.
However, there are quite a few sounds to memorize so I recommend you bookmark this page and regularly refer back until you have mastered these sounds.
Now, watch the video below to learn the German letters and sounds. Watch it a few times so you start to memorize it.
You can do this!
Time to practise until you can pronounce these letters without thinking 🙂
Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and you next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here.