Want to learn German or want to learn something quickly you can definitely use in Germany? Learn these common German dishes!
This won’t just improve your German, but they are very useful in Germany. It will help you order food and understand menus. You won’t have any problems finding these dishes in restaurants.
Love Germany? Click here to download your free guide to 25 Incredible Things You Must Do In Germany In Your Lifetime. You won’t want to miss them!

They are also quite easy to learn and you may have come across some of these words in your home country.
Watch the video below to learn these top 10 standard German foods. Below the video, you’ll find a list of the vocabulary used so you can write it down and practise.
You can do this!
Vocabulary taught in this lesson:
- Apfelstrudel – apple strudel
- Bratwürste mit Kartoffelbrei – bratwurst (sausage) with mashed potato
- Bretzel – pretzel
- Currywurst – curried sausage
- Kartoffelknödel – potato dumplings
- Kassler – a cured/slightly smoked piece of pork served in Southern Germany
- Sauerkraut – sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
- Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte – black forest cake
- Schweinebratan – roast pork
- Weißwurst – white sausage typical in Bavaria
As these are nouns, they will all be capitalized.
Time to practise until you can say these words without thinking 🙂
Want to learn more German? Find the previous lesson here and the next lesson here. You can also find all our lessons here. You may also enjoy our guide to typical German dishes here.