You Won’t Forget These Jaw-Dropping Fairytale Castles In Germany….🤩

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Reviewed by Sharon Gourlay. Read our review guidelines
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Embark on an enchanting journey through the pages of storied pasts and architectural wonder as we uncover the ten most jaw-dropping fairytale castles in Germany. This article is your golden ticket to explore the grandeur of ancient fortresses that seem conjured straight from the pages of a Brothers Grimm tale.

Sorting through the treasure trove of Germany’s historic castles wasn’t a simple spell to cast. We delved deep into history, scrutinized architectural splendor, and even factored in the enchantment quotient to bring you a list that would make any wandering bard sing praises. From the famous spires of Neuschwanstein to the lesser-known but equally spellbinding Burg Eltz, we’ve scoured the countryside to find the absolute crème de la crème of German castles.

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As a castle connoisseur and storyteller at heart, I sought out these whimsical wonders not just for their stone and mortar, but for the tales they tell. Each castle is a time machine, with a sense of humor as intact as its battlements, waiting to whisk you away to an era of knights and legends.

So, lace up your stoutest walking shoes and join me as we venture to realms where the echoes of minstrel songs still linger in the air and every turret might hide a dragon—or at least a curious squirrel with an impressive sense of drama.

Would you like to stay in a castle? Find our guide to the best castle hotels here.

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Top 10 Jaw-Dropping Fairytale Castles In Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria

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Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria is the epitome of a fairytale fortress, and a visit there feels like stepping straight into a storybook. If you’ve only seen a photo of one castle in Germany, it was probably this. It’s famous thanks to Walt Disney using this castle as inspiration for Sleeping Beauty’s castle.

Perched high on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau, its turrets and spires pierce the horizon with theatrical grandeur. Walking through its grand halls and opulent rooms, I was struck by the thought that this was the vision King Ludwig II brought to life in the 19th century — an escape into a romanticized past.

For anyone visiting, the view from Marienbrücke, a bridge spanning a nearby gorge, offers a breathtaking perspective of the castle. Remember to wear comfortable shoes as there’s a bit of a hike to get there, but the panoramic scenes are more than worth the effort.

Inside, the castle’s art and architecture leave you in awe, but it’s the history that whispers from the walls that truly captivates. No matter how many times you see it in pictures, nothing compares to the moment you witness its splendor with your own eyes.

Click here to read our guide to Neuschwanstein Castle.

Hohenzollern Castle, Baden-Württemberg

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Hohenzollern Castle

Perched atop Mount Hohenzollern, the ancestral seat of the Prussian royal family and the Emperors of Germany, Hohenzollern Castle strikes a commanding presence against the Swabian Alps’ skyline. Every time I return, its fairy-tale silhouette transports me into history’s pages, where the mist of time seems to stand still.

As you make the ascent, either by shuttle bus or a hearty walk, the castle’s majesty unfurls before your eyes. Its towers and fortifications echo tales of knights and royalty. Inside, the treasure-filled rooms, with their intricate woodwork and historic artifacts, whisper stories of a bygone era.

For those planning a visit, the castle’s seasonal events and exhibitions offer a deeper dive into its past. And don’t miss the panoramic views from the ramparts—they’re a photographer’s dream. Remember to check visiting hours ahead of your trip, as they can vary seasonally. Immersing yourself in this architectural marvel isn’t just sightseeing; it’s a walk through the chronicles of German history.

Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz), Rhineland-Palatinate

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Burg Eltz

Nestled in the lush hills of the Moselle valley, Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz) is a living glimpse into a storybook. Its majestic spires and timeworn stones whisper tales of medieval grandeur, beckoning visitors from across the globe.

Upon my visit, the castle’s secluded charm transported me to a bygone era. The path to its gates wound through a dense forest, a preamble to the enchantment within. With each step, the modern world faded, leaving only the stirring serenity of an untouched historical gem.

For those enticed by the allure of exploring a true fairytale bastion, Eltz Castle does not disappoint. Its authentically furnished rooms and family-owned heritage since the 12th century leave no nook void of fascination. Arrive early to embrace its tranquility and consider a guided tour to delve deeper into its venerable story.

While photography can capture its exterior splendor, the intimate experience of wandering its halls is what truly makes Eltz Castle unforgettable.

Lichtenstein Castle, Baden-Württemberg

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Lichtenstein Castle

Lichtenstein Castle, perched atop a cliff in Baden-Württemberg, is worth the trek for its fairytale ambiance. Standing before its Gothic revival architecture. The castle’s majestic towers and turrets gaze across the Echaz Valley, a vista that captures the heart and transports you into a storybook setting.

For those considering a visit, know that the castle offers guided tours which are illuminating. The interior is as dramatic as the exterior, filled with medieval artifacts that tell tales of a bygone era. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes for the climb and bring a camera; the views are Insta-worthy.

Stepping inside Lichtenstein Castle, I was struck by the intimate scale yet grand spirit of the place. It’s a quiet nod to the power of imagination—and a reminder that sometimes, the most enchanting stories are set in stone around us.

Schwerin Castle, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

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Schwerin Castle

Located on an island in the Lake Schwerin, this castle looks as though it’s straight out of a storybook. Its stunning turrets and golden domes are sure to charm you. Walking through its lush gardens and grand halls feels like stepping into a fantasy world.

The blend of Gothic and Renaissance architecture is truly mesmerizing. Each visit reveals new details and stories that enchant and inspire.

For those planning a visit, make sure to explore both the interior museum and the picturesque grounds. Originally a fortress in the 10th century, Schwerin Castle became the residence of dukes and now houses the state parliament. Its historical significance and breathtaking beauty make it a must-see.

Heidelberg Castle, Baden-Württemberg

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Heidelberg castle

Perched on a hilltop, the ruins of Heidelberg Castle command the attention of any visitor to Baden-Württemberg. Its red sandstone walls and grand Renaissance structures evoke a sense of romantic melancholy, its majestic appearance entwined with tales of love and warfare that permeate its halls.

Walking through the castle grounds, I can’t help but feel transported back through the centuries. It’s easy to imagine the electors of the Palatinate who once resided here, surrounded by such a breathtaking panorama. Despite suffering destruction through lightning bolts and wars, the castle’s allure persists, still reigning as a symbol of bygone opulence.

For any curious travelers, a visit to this enchanting site involves more than admiring its architecture. The castle also hosts the Heidelberg Tun, the world’s largest wine barrel, and a pharmacy museum offering insights into medieval medicine. Visiting Heidelberg Castle is like stepping into a page of history.

Cochem Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate


Perched atop a commanding hill, Cochem Castle (Reichsburg Cochem) stands as a sentinel over the charming Moselle River. Its fairy-tale allure is no fantasy; the castle boasts a rich tapestry of history, dating back to 1000 A.D., though it was rebuilt in the 19th century to restore its medieval splendor.

During my visit, the castle’s spires and fortifications evoked a deep sense of nostalgia, bridging the centuries with tales of knights and nobility. The journey through its opulent rooms and the panoramic views from its towers were like stepping inside the pages of a storybook.

For those yearning to echo my footsteps, Cochem Castle offers regular tours that guide visitors through this historical marvel. The surrounding town, with its vineyard-draped hillsides, complements your visit, providing a scenic backdrop that’s as captivating as the fortress itself. In the heart of a region celebrated for its Riesling, a trip here isn’t just a feast for the eyes, but also a delight for the palate.

Wartburg Castle, Thuringia

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Wartburg Castle

Wartburg Castle in Thuringia isn’t just a castle; it’s a vivid piece of German heritage, perched atop a 410-meter precipice, promising both a journey through the pages of history and stunning vistas. This fortress, dating back to 1067, is more than stone and turret; it’s where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German.

During my visit, the castle’s robust walls and the palpable sense of the past made every step along its cobbled pathways resonate with the echoes of time. As you wander through its rooms, the blend of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance styles isn’t just a feast for the eyes, but a narrative of the architectural journey a building can take through the centuries.

For those planning a visit, the castle’s famed Great Hall and the hauntingly beautiful singers’ hall should not be missed. Indeed, Wartburg Castle’s intertwining of deep history and architectural marvel make it a fairytale destination that is genuinely jaw-dropping.

Burg Hohenschwangau, Bavaria

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Burg Hohenschwangau

Burg Hohenschwangau in Bavaria is a sight to behold, nestled in the lush foothills of the Alps. Its striking yellow facade radiates against the green landscape. It’s a true embodiment of fairytale magnificence. As a child, tales of knights and legends imbued my dreams with mystique—gazing upon Hohenschwangau, those dreams felt real.

Built in the 19th century by King Maximilian II of Bavaria, this castle is not just architecture; it’s a chapter of history preserved in stone. The castle was intended as a personal refuge for the royal family, which makes every ornate room and hallway feel like a personal invitation into their world.

For travelers, know that it’s a gentle hike to reach the castle gates, but one well worth the effort. Once inside, the murals depicting German legends will transport you to a storied past. From my own journey there, the view from the top – a vista of the neighboring Neuschwanstein castle and the serene Alpsee lake – left me breathless. To stand where kings once stood is an experience that lingers long after the descent.

Moritzburg Castle, Saxony

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Moritzburg Castle

As you set eyes on Moritzburg Castle in Saxony, you’re instantly swept into the pages of a Brothers Grimm tale. Standing majestically amidst a mirror-like lake, it’s a vision of towers and reflections that tempts you into a world where fairytales are real.

I remember the first time I caught a glimpse of its baroque façade, a testament to its 16th-century origins, and later additions that transformed it into a hunting lodge for Saxony’s electors and kings. The striking approach over its stone causeway adds to the scene.

For visitors, Moritzburg offers more than its enchanting exterior. Inside, you can explore opulent rooms and a rich collection of bird species showcased in the Feather Room. Don’t miss the chance to see the intricate leather wallpaper—a detail that hints at the castle’s lavish past.

When you visit, be sure to wander the grounds. The castle amid the lush forest and tranquil waters evokes a deep sense of serenity—one that stays with you long after your return to the hustle of contemporary life. Moritzburg Castle doesn’t just represent a fairytale; it feels like you’ve lived one.

In exploring these top 10 jaw-dropping fairytale castles of Germany, we have wandered through grand halls and lush gardens, traced the intricate outlines of formidable fortresses, and delved into the romantic allure that history and legend have so intricately woven together.

As we conclude our journey, it’s clear that the enchanting beauty and historical significance of these castles are more than just stone and mortar; they are living monuments to the fairytales that have evolved alongside them.

They are a testament to the timelessness of human creativity and the perpetual quest for beauty and inspiration. May the memory of these architectural marvels linger long after your visit, coaxing you back to explore the hidden treasures and untold stories that await in Germany’s countryside.

Want to learn more about visiting Germany? Read our list of the most beautiful Old Towns in Germany here or find out which places in Germany are the most underrated here. You can find all our guides to planning a trip to Germany here.

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Elsa Meyer

By Elsa Meyer

Elsa was born in Germany before moving to the US as a kid. She spent many summers exploring Germany and hanging out with her grandparents before moving back to Germany for university. Elsa has a degree in German history and language. She enjoys sharing her love of her native country with others who want to explore it too! She particularly loves exploring the Rhine Valley and the Black Forest.

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