Famous Vs. Secret Germany: 6 German Tourist Favorites & Where To Go Instead

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Ever wandered through the selfie-stick forest of Neuschwanstein Castle and thought, “There’s got to be another fairytale castle without the hordes”? You’re in luck! In this guide, we peel back the bustling tourist curtain to reveal hidden gems that rival their famous counterparts, minus the elbowing crowds and long lines.

Now, how did we concoct this secret map of German treasures? Well, we turned into tourist detectives, scouring the less trodden paths. We chatted with locals, scoured travel forums, and even accidentally stumbled upon a few spots while getting “pleasantly” lost.

Our criteria? Places that won’t just save you from the dreaded queue-tantrum, but also offer the same rich cultural, historical, or natural tapestry that their famous siblings boast of.

Famous Vs. Secret Germany: 10 German Tourist Favorites & Where To Go InsteadPin

Imagine, walking through medieval streets and feeling like the town belongs just to you, or standing atop a rugged cliff, gazing at the forest below without jockeying for a viewpoint. Germany is brimming with such stories waiting to be told without an audience.

In the following paragraphs, I’m going to let you in on the ultimate insider’s trade – swapping the bustling Rothenburg Old Town with the serenity of a hidden historical marvel, or trading the busy brew halls of Munich’s Oktoberfest for a less touristy/more local festival.

So, strap on your lederhosen or dirndl (metaphorically, unless you’re into that sort of thing) and get ready to explore a Germany that’s splendidly cloaked in secrecy. Trust me, by the time we’re done, you’ll be updating your travel itinerary.

Love Germany? Click here to download your free guide to ALL of Germany’s Amazing UNESCO sites. See all 52 of them!

Popular: Heidelberg

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Heidelberg castle

Heidelberg enchants visitors with its picturesque cityscape, nestled along the Neckar River. The historic Heidelberg Castle stands watch over the charming old town, inviting a stroll through centuries-old streets at the foot of the Königstuhl hill. A haven for romantics, the city’s vibrant student life adds a youthful energy to its ancient stones.

Read our full guide to Heidelberg here.

Alternative: Marburg


For those seeking a similar vibe with fewer crowds, Marburg should not be missed. Like a page from a storybook, Marburg’s cobbled alleyways and half-timbered houses are crowned by the imposing Landgrafenschloss castle. The quaint university town, once home to the Brothers Grimm, mirrors Heidelberg’s youthful spirit, combined with an air of intellectualism.

During my visit, the contrast between Heidelberg’s lively tourist bustle and Marburg’s relaxed charm was palpable. Marburg’s old university buildings and the historic Elisabethkirche, a pioneering Gothic church, offered a serene exploration, absent of the throngs that flock to Heidelberg. The city’s botanical garden provided a peaceful respite, akin to Heidelberg’s famed Philosophenweg, but with a more personal, untouched feel.

For potential visitors, Marburg presents not only an escape from the thrum of tourist spots but also a more affordable experience. Every corner turned in Marburg reveals views as compelling as Heidelberg’s, without pressing through crowds or stretching your wallet. Whether it’s enjoying a quiet coffee in the market square or admiring the Lahn River’s tranquil flow, Marburg captures the German picturesque allure that many travelers seek.

Popular: Oktoberfest, Munich


Oktoberfest in Munich is the epitome of German revelry, drawing millions of visitors every autumn. It’s not just about beer; it’s a deep dive into Bavarian culture with vibrant parades, traditional music, and hearty cuisines. The festival’s iconic beer tents and amusement rides create a joyous atmosphere that’s hard to match.

If you want some reasons not to go to Oktoberfest, read this.

Read more about Oktoberfest here.

Alternative: Cannstatter Volksfest, Stuttgart

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Cannstatter Volksfest, Stuttgart

On the flip side, if you’re in search of an experience rich with German festivity but with a cozier vibe, Cannstatter Volksfest in Stuttgart is your go-to. Imagine being immersed in similar festivities; hearty laughter, the clinking of beer mugs, and the aroma of sizzling bratwurst, yet it’s less crowded and more intimate. The Cannstatter was a delightful discovery during my travels, offering a more authentic feel where local charm isn’t overshadowed by tourism.

The festival’s family-friendly environment with a diverse array of attractions—from whimsical fairground rides to live bands playing Swabian tunes—makes it a worthy substitute. And for those who appreciate a good beer without the squeeze of packed tents, Cannstatter Volksfest presents a laid-back setting to enjoy local brews. Like Oktoberfest, it too celebrates German beer culture but with a distinctly regional twist.

For anyone planning to visit, pack your Tracht if you have one, grab your stein with gusto, and be ready to join the locals in a toast. Prost to the hidden gem that is Cannstatter Volksfest!

You can also read our full guide to Cannstatter Volksfest here.

Popular: Neuschwanstein Castle

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Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle is the epitome of a fairy tale fantasy. Perched atop a rugged hill in Bavaria, its spires reach towards the sky, it is no wonder millions are enchanted by its dramatic architecture and panoramic views, so closely resembling the vivid pages of a storybook. It’s a spectacle of grandeur and history that captivates everyone who visits.

Alternative: Burg Eltz

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Burg Eltz

While Neuschwanstein seemingly offers a storybook escape, booking months ahead for a crowded tourist experience is less fairytale and more horror story.

Instead, tucked away in the hills above the Moselle River lies the hidden jewel of Burg Eltz. Unlike my visit to the ever-popular Neuschwanstein, the lesser-known Burg Eltz provided a tranquil haven, free from overwhelming crowds.

The authenticity of Eltz Castle struck me profoundly, its medieval walls and towers perfectly preserved, as if frozen in time since the 12th century. Wandering through its labyrinthine rooms and secret passages, I was able to truly sense the centuries of history echoing through the stone walls, without jostling for a view or a photo op.

For the practical visitor, Burg Eltz also means more reasonable entry fees and the chance to leisurely explore without the rush. It’s worth noting that the castle still resides with the original family, adding a layer of intimate charm to its storied halls and artifacts.

Whether you’re a history aficionado or seeking a tranquil spot to soak up Germany’s rich past, Burg Eltz beckons with a quiet but equally spellbinding allure.

Popular: Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber

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Plönlein Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is an enchanting destination, celebrated for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Wander through its winding cobblestone streets and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped onto the set of a fairy tale. The town’s iconic ramparts and towers offer breathtaking views, drawing visitors from all around the world. The only downside – EVERYONE comes here.

Read our full guide to Rothenburg here.

Alternative: Quedlinburg


If you’d prefer the charm of old-world Germany with fewer crowds, Quedlinburg is your hidden gem. With its labyrinth of quaint streets, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a mosaic of timber-framed houses and medieval splendor, rivaling the allure of Rothenburg. During my last visit, a stroll through the town’s peaceful alleys, under the shadow of its impressive castle, felt like a personal journey through history. It’s truly an amazing town.

Quedlinburg doesn’t just share Rothenburg’s half-timbered romance; it’s steeped in history dating back over a millennium. Its castle hill has been witness to the coronation of German kings and the scriptorium here once lit the flames of knowledge during the darkest of times. Fewer tourists mean you’ll enjoy an authentic experience, savoring local cuisine and culture without the hustle.

For those planning a visit, reserve some time for the Schlossmuseum and St. Servatius church, where the treasures of the past are on captivating display. The town is also known for its traditional events and markets, which embody the regional spirit and provide a delightful taste of local life.

Read our full guide to Quedlinburg here.

Popular: The Romantic Road


The Romantic Road whisks travelers away on a journey through medieval pageantry, where fairy-tale castles like Neuschwanstein and quintessential Bavarian villages like Rothenburg above create an enchanting backdrop. This well-trodden path is beloved for its picturesque scenery and deep dive into the heart of Germany’s historical allure.

Alternative: The German Timber-Frame Road

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Celle Altstadt (Old Town)

While the Romantic Road paints a picture of historical Germany at its most quintessential, the German Timber-Frame Road is a treasure trove of charming, half-timbered houses that seem plucked from the pages of a storybook. Venturing through this route offered me an authentic slice of German heritage, complete with less-trodden cobblestone streets.

Each town along the Timber-Frame Road, such as Quedlinburg or Celle, is a mosaic of ornate building facades that architects and casual observers would adore. 

As you wander through these towns, there’s this overwhelming sense of stepping back in time; it’s a serene, almost intimate experience compared to the hum of the popular tourist stops.

For those planning to indulge in the Timber-Frame Road’s beauty, accommodation and dining generally come with a more palatable price tag. Every town has its unique festivals and markets, offering a firsthand experience of Germany’s living traditions without the crowds. The route is well marked and easily navigated by car or bike, making it an accessible adventure for anyone seeking to discover a different rhythm to German culture.

Popular: Black Forest

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Black Forest

The Black Forest captivates with its dense, evergreen woods and picturesque villages. Renowned for its cuckoo clocks, folklore, and indulgent Black Forest cake, it’s a slice of quintessential Germany that beckons travelers with its blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.

Read our guide to the Black Forest here.

Alternative: Harz Mountains

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Harz Mountains

In the heart of Germany, the Harz Mountains rise as an enticing alternative. On a crisp morning hike, I’ve felt the Harz’s misty forests unravel before me, a mosaic of brooding pines and whispering beech trees that felt every bit as soul-stirring as the Black Forest, yet without the crowds. Quaint towns like Goslar offer a glimpse into a medieval past, with half-timbered houses and cobblestone streets that curve like storied paths into history.

For those who seek the ethereal, the Harz whispers tales of its own mythical creature, the witch, especially celebrated during Walpurgis Night. The Peak of Broken, the highest summit, offers views that rival any famed Black Forest panorama. Cable cars and narrow-gauge railways make exploring these heights accessible, and the promise of fewer tourists means more authentic encounters with local culture. 

Come winter, the ski resorts here are cozy and less expensive, while summers are perfect for exploring the network of trails. The memory of standing atop the Harz, with the world unfurled below, is a quiet testament to the magic of Germany’s lesser-known heights. For the discerning traveler, the Harz Mountains are a trove of natural splendor and storybook villages, a hidden jewel in Germany’s landscape.

Germany’s famous landmarks tell the well-trodden tales of a nation steeped in history, art, and culture. It’s a narrative shaped and polished by the countless feet that have explored its paths. Yet, the true essence of German diversity and richness often lies hidden in wonderful pockets, away from the limelight, where the secret treasures await the curious and the adventurous. 

Turning away from the celebrated trails to uncover Germany’s lesser-known jewels not only rewards travelers with unique and intimate experiences but also distributes the benefits of tourism more evenly across this multifaceted country. It invites the opportunity to create personal stories in places where the narrative is still being written. It’s a chance to step beyond the postcard scenes into the living, breathing mosaic of Secret Germany.

Want to learn more about visiting Germany? Read our list of the most beautiful Old Towns in Germany here or the most beautiful fairytale castles here. You can find all our guides to planning a trip to Germany here or see if you can guess these places in Germany.

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By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit. She loves the long history, the picturesque Old Towns, the castles, the food, everything really! Since then, she has visited many times and loves writing about Germany here so you can enjoy it too. In fact, Sharon loves German culture so much that she sent her kids to a German primary school in Australia. She especially loves Berlin and towns with charming Old Towns like Celle and Quedlinburg. Sharon also has a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and understands the nitty gritty of travel planning. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to Germany whether it's your first or tenth time!


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